Friday, July 29, 2011

Google, Jelly beans and finger tips and tabs

So the question is what would I do without Google? nothing but feel crippled all along.

Google definition: A search engine that takes you to wikipedia.

Now that we are at this topic, here's the list of the websites needed for my survival:
1. Google
2. Wiki
3. Gmail
4. Youtube
5. Scifinder (only reason coz there's only web version available)
6. TFCU (coz they don't really have a good app)
7. Pandora/Grooveshark
8. Letbob (watching movies/showes)
 Now that we are at it I am gonna list some of my fav

1. Google (what would I do without it)
2. Wiki (oh I love spending times here recently I read about Rwanda civil war)
3. Cricinfo (Bleed blue)
4. Hindustantimes (entertaining and keeps me in touch)
6. NYtimes ( I love their editorials, book review and Food/travel section)
7. Gmail (Keeps me saved from O's wrath)
8. IMDB (Cinephile)

Jelly Beans incident happened way back in 2007 when India toured England. In one of the matches, English players tried to crack some joke (as they called it after the incident) by throwing some jelly beans on the pitch. This really pissed the hell out of Zaheer and assuming that it was KP he raised his bat at KP asking him to be in his senses. The commentators didnt actually know the reason being Jelly beans for his outrage. Umpires intervened but nobody knew who threw the beans. Allegedly It was Alestair cook who still has to go past the score of 10 in this test series. Michael Voughn, then the captain of England team  tried to downplay the incident. However, this really pumped Zaheer and propelled him to go for a match winning bowling figure. To my surprise theres no video of this incidence on youtube however there are plenty of print material. Heres a picture of the incidence for you.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Dumplings and Rascal

A long awaited trip to city dragged me to theater to watch over hyped Delhi Belly. And to be honest the movie lived up to the hype. It was hilarious, quirky, fresh and a bit too daring although in a good sense. For people who have been exposed to Guy Ritchie kinda movie wouldn't be too shocked to see the film. It has shades of "Lock stock and two smoking barrels" and "Snatch". Having said that its an honest piece of work with groundbreaking dialogues, music and direction. Imran, Kunal (my namesake),Vir and Vijay have given a stellar performance. A must watch for people who don't carry pseudo bag of morality on their head and watch movie for the sake of entertainment. Kudos to the Censor board for coming out of the redundant old rules, appreciating the creativity and passing his movie without any cuts. I am glad people are maturing for good. Here leaving you with the DK Bose phenomenon.....I bet after hearing this song you would want to forget about the morality and hummmm this song...

After the movie I walked to a famous dumpling place in chinatown called "Prosperity Dumpling". They serve some of the best dumplings in the city and are extremely cheap. You dont need to carry anything but 2-3 dollars and a severe appetite and you wouldn't be disappointed. A must visit for dumpling lovers.

I have found a new friend in Rascal or should I say crazy rascal. I did put up his picture in last post. He is D's new pet cat. He is absolute delight to watch. Absolutely crazy. Here's a video which will tell you all about his craziness...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Some more wandering and unknowns

At Princeton with two of my favorite people

Banana cupcake with pineapple topping at Tommy Sweets 

Shrimp pasta with Alfredo sauce and beer, egg and garlic toast-A home cooked meal with buddys

Cooper beach in southampton

Montauk light house -breezy and cold

Tonks: (Dawn and Aroop)'s new toy

Nashville-some country music concert hall

Oh yeah Bridgestone Arena

Nashville downtown area: inside of an ice-cream place

Honky Tonky Bars: downtown nashville

Another Honky Tonky

Country music suckers

Biscuits at Loveless Cafe: must place to visit

Fried chicken: one of the best I have ever had

with Mashed Potatoes, gravy and pickled cucumber and onion

I don't remember exactly what the hell it is but looks like a shoe made out of jute. Looks cool though

One of the best memories of Nashville: A no gun sign out side all public restaurant/bar

Ferris Beuller's day off

Evening in NYC right before 4th of July fire works

Rascal: D's new toy

And finally Fourth of July Fireworks

This sums up the last few weeks of my wandering. Oh and it was my B'Day a week back. It was fun.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Visit to Montauk and Nashville

Its been almost a month since I last posted. There's lots of things that happened in the meantime. My friends came down to Stony brook and we went for a little stint to Southampton and Montauk. It was a wonderful drive to Montauk through Hamptons. We stopped by at Cooper's Beach in southamptons to take a dip at the best beach in NY. Spent there quite a few hours before we headed to the tip of Long Island called Montauk light house. The drive as I mentioned before was really serene and adventurous. The view of the endless ocean from the light house was gorgeous to say the least. We walked around the light house in the dense foggy weather. It was a bit chilly so if you are going there please don't forget to carry warm clothes.

The next stop was Nashville. My friends have been asking me for a long time to visit Nashville. And now that I am doing nothing, i thought I wouldn't get a better chance than this. So I packed my bag with bare minimum and headed to Nashville for a week. So my flight was at 6 in the morning from LGA. So I had to take the last train (11:32 pm) from Stony brook. I was a bit scared of going through queens at that time of night in bus and subway. To my surprise it wasn't that bad at all. At around 2 in the morning, waiting at the Astoria Blvd for M60 was like waiting at any other time of the day. The place was bustling with people and traffic. Anyways, the flight was peaceful and a bit tiring as I hadn't slept properly. That day we just stayed at home and caught up with missing time and lack of sleep. Next day we went for a drive-in movie and watched Green Lantern and Hangover II. This was my first experience ever and I thoroughly enjoyed it, not the movie but the atmosphere. Next day was a going away party for Aroop so another lazy day with friends and poker. The day went by cooking pizza bites with pineapples, hotdogs and cheese and cards.

Sunday was the day to have some taste of southern food and we rightfully reached famous cafe called "Loveless Cafe". A motel back in 1960s which is now converted to a cafe which serves authentic southern food and it is especially famous for the biscuits. I ended up having Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, fried green tomatoes and pickled onions and cucumber. To tell you the truth this was the best fried chicken ever. It was juicy and you could taste the chicken with little bit of smokey flavor. It was just delicious. We were in food coma by the time we finished with our food and our body needed a nap. The evening was spent at famous Grand Ole Opry, famous concert hall and the hotel. The hotel has different islands which is more like gardens with  various fountains. It was just awesome experience to visit the park with so much of lights. Fascinating to say the least. The next couple of days went by wandering around the Nashville downtown making stops at one of those famous "Honky Tonky" bars. In short it was an awesome trip and how that week went passed didn't even realize a bit. Pictures on the right.

Now I am back in the stony brook which sucks like hell. There's nothing to do and now I have started to feel so useless, especially when you have people around you all busy with their shit. I can't even try different things like cooking and all coz of shallow pocket. Lets see how long do I have to wait before I get my employment authorization card. The flip side of it is that I am gonna miss this free time when I start working. Nobody is happy at any time.
