Thursday, November 17, 2011

City visit with lab folks.

Last week Boss man was away from the town and hence we decided to take advantage of that. The plan involved the lab outing on a weekday. Finally after long deliberation and planning, we decided to to make a visit to the city last Friday. It was a lot of fun. We ended up eating and walking around the city. First stop was famous Halal cart (56th & 6th). Delicious chicken and rice. We all enjoyed the spicy tinge to it except J who ended up gulping down two bottles of Gatorade. Anyways after food we started walking towards a bakery store to try some cupcakes. By the way it was freaking cold that day. I would say the first cold day of this winter. Anyways after cupcake it was time to sit and relax a bit. So what could be a better place than central park. Daisy and B decided to leave us guys in the park. Daisy went for her dance classes and B for her favorite activity in the whole world "Shoppinggggg".

Halal cart 

 Battery Park 
Ethiopian Food
Guys decided to head down to battery park, After hanging out there for some time we started walking uptown. Its always fun to walk in the city. We made a stopover in chinatown to try some dumplings at "Tasty Dumplings". Moving on we walked all the way to 47th street & 10th ave. There we met Daisy. Ended up trying some Ethiopian food for dinner. It was absolutely delicious. J headed to party with his friends in the city and three of us to stony brook.

Over all it was great outing despite the cold weather.  

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