Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Blunders and anxieties!!!

Blunder (noun): gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, carelessness, or ignorance
Anxiety (noun): painful or apprehensive uneasiness of mind usually over an impending or anticipated ill

As the definition suggests, I have committed numerous blunders in life, however, every time due to some altogether new reason. So people might ask: did I learn from any of those mistakes? Probably "yes", as every other time the reasons where not the same. However, carelessness is one of the main factors that could lead to blunders. Considering that, I think it would be another blunder to admit that I have learnt anything from previous blunders. One of those silly carelessness led me to another blunder, yesterday, which could, in turn, cause certain delay in my employment authorization process. Anxiety is the after effect of the realization of the blunder, certainly in my case. Painful apprehension, often marked by the physiological signs like, sweating, increased pulse, loss of concentration, and self hatred, thinking how could I be careless again! 

Through past experiences, I have been able to minimize the occurrence of the blunders, in turn, preventing the extent of anxiety. And someone has said correctly: every mistakes/negativity comes with something good. And in this case, all these blunders have definitely made me much calmer person. I have started to believe that worrying or losing your sleep over certain thing (or in this blunder) which is already in past is utterly futile. Losing the composure isn't going to turn things around. If that was the case then people would have spent all their life being anxious over their mistakes. Moreover, people wouldn't be careful anymore and the extent of committing mistakes will rise exponentially. At the same time, the pharma companies, producing anti-anxiety pills, would overtake banks and become the "world turner". Coming back to serious note, I believe, and I am speaking from my personal experiences (knowing the count of blunders I carry around), thinking about solutions to rectify these blunders should be the course to follow. Even people, eventually follow this course too, but only after going through a rough phase of useless anxiety. So why not eliminate this phase! Some people might disagree with me on this concept. However, this has helped me a lot. 

Now the question that arises in mind is that what about the phase till we find the solution. Won't it be natural to be anxious till that point? And I absolutely agree with this. I am not denying the fact that anxiety is something thats human reaction to mistakes and very natural to say the least. However, what I am trying to point out is getting excessively worried about the problem and exhausting all the strength over it. We could focus some of this strength on looking for solutions. Moreover, this will certainly help in keeping mind off of the anxiety. 

Anyways, this is my personal opinion and is very well open for discussion and critiquing! 

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